
About SAGP Conferences

Traditionally, SAGP has a session with two or more speakers at each of the three regional meetings of the APA and also at the annual meeting of the SCS. According to the regulations of both of these associations, SAGP speakers are chosen by blind review of the papers submitted for consideration. The evaluators are the members of the SAGP Board of Directors. Scholars who wish to give papers at these venues must be members of SAGP in good standing. 

SAGP holds an annual conference in the US, usually in the autumn. The conference takes place at a university and its location rotates between the three US constituencies. Proposals to hold SAGP conferences outside the US will be evaluated ad hoc by the Board of Directors. Scholars who wish to present their papers at the SAGP annual conference(s) must be members in good standing.   

Past conferences & archives

Click here for a digital archive of SAGP conferences and Newsletters. Since 1953, Newsletters have included full texts of conference papers accepted by SAGP.