



  1. The SAGP Board of the Directors consists of a President, a Secretary, and the Members of the Steering Committee.
  2. The President is elected to a five-year term that can be renewed once. Even though, traditionally, the President has been chosen from members of the APA or the SCS, this is not necessary. Candidates who do not belong to either of these associations can be considered as well.
  3. The Secretary is chosen by the President and the Steering Committee for a six-year term and their term of office can be renewed once or, in special circumstances, twice. The Secretary maintains the list of members, serves as a conduit for the blind review of papers, and arranges publication of the Newsletter. The home university of the Secretary will house the Executive Office of the Society for the period of the Secretary’s term of office. The Secretary may nominate an Assistant Secretary of their choice. This choice needs to be ratified by the Board of Directors via majority vote.
  4. The Steering Committee consists of members corresponding to the each of the constituencies. The APA has two members for the Eastern Division, one for the Central Division, and two for the Pacific Division. The SCS has one member. Canada is represented by one member. Nominations for  representatives of new constituencies come from the Board of Directors. The first representative of a new constituency is elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. We plan to nominate members for Central and South America, the UK, and two members for Continental Europe. Each member of the Steering Committee serves a four-year term and is eligible to serve one additional term of four years. To ensure continuity, the Steering Committee members’ terms will be staggered. The obligations of the Steering Committee include participating in regular teleconferences called by the President and/or the Secretary, vetting papers for SAGP conferences and panels, and discussing and voting on matters of policy.
  5. All paid-up members of a given constituency are eligible for nomination when it is the turn of that constituency to elect a member to the Board of Directors. Candidates may be nominated by the Board, or by written recommendation of at least five paid-up members of their constituency. Also, they must have declared their interest to stand as candidates and their willingness to serve if they are elected. Voting from the list of nominees is done by secret ballot.






In keeping with the precedent of the original Bylaws of SAGP, which were framed by the 1994/5 SAGP Program Committee, these amended Bylaws have been framed by the current President (Voula Tsouna) and the Secretary (Anthony Preus) and have been submitted to the entire Board of Directors for ratification. 


Voting and Constituencies
Every member of SAGP must choose the constituency that they belong to for purposes of voting.  Members belonging to more than one constituency must select the constituency in which they wish to cast their vote. 

How to vote
On your mailing label there is a “selection code,” a number that represents your most recent (or last current) year of membership, e.g., 20 (or some subsequent number). We maintain a list of each constituency, and members will be informed of their current constituency. When you pay your dues, you should indicate to the Secretary which constituency you wish to vote with.

Who can vote:
Only paid-up members may vote.