
The Board of Directors has instituted an Annual Award for the best paper presented at the APA and SCS meetings. A jury of distinguished scholars in the field will review the presented papers and select the winner and a runner-up. Results of the annual competition will be communicated broadly to the community of scholars in our discipline.
The SAGP Distinguished Lecturer will be chosen annually by the Board of Directors in recognition of very substantial contributions to scholarship in our field. Hence this lectureship will be a high professional distinction in its own right, an honor bestowed upon a scholar by their peers under the auspices of SAGP. The lecture may be on any topic or area of Ancient Philosophy and will be delivered on a highly accessible virtual platform, such as Zoom. It will be followed by comments from three or four specialists and a general discussion between the speaker and the commentators. This high-level annual event will be widely publicized for enjoyment in real time and, after the end of the lecture, the whole event will be posted as a podcast on our website.